Welcome to ICSEAT2022
International Conference on Sustainable Engineering & Advanced Technology ICSEAT2022 aims to provide a platform for engineers and researchers to share their experience and research findings via presentations and publications. We also provide possible solutions to the current issues faced by the industries.
In order to catalyse strong international research collaboration, we are now providing Networking e-booths to our co-organisers and participants. In the e-booth, the participant will present the research project which he/she would like to seek for international collaboration. The participants will be given 60 minutes to visit to the e-booths for collaboration purpose. Matching grant is available for selected research project.
Date: June 16-17, 2022
Venue: Virtual Platform
- Sustainable development
- Green technology
- Advanced material and processing research
- Computational modeling, and data analytics
Latest Info
We are excited to announce that all accepted manuscripts from ICSEAT 2022 have been officially published in the AIP Conference Proceedings! Please take a moment to explore your paper from this LINK.
- Publication updates:
- [23/09/2022] All accepted papers in ICSEAT2022 have been submitted to the AIP Conference Proceedings.
- [8/12/2021] Registration fees have been revised (Reduced!).
- [8/12/2021] Submission timelines EXTENDED! Check out the new Important Dates.
- [30/11/2021] ICSEAT 2022 will be conducted VIRTUALLY via online platform.
- [2/10/2021] Good News! Malaysia Board of Technologists (MBOT) has approved 6 hours of Continuous Professional Development (CPD) for ICSEAT 2022 participants.
- [27/9/2021] We welcome UTAR that recently joined us as one of the the Co-Organizers.
- [31/8/2021] Submission timelines EXTENDED. Check out the new Important Dates.
ICSEAT 2022 Videos
ICSEAT 2022 video
Videos by Organizing Committee
Welcoming Speech by Prof. Azrin
Deputy Vice Chancellor, SEGi University
Videos by our Co-Organizers
University of Sunderland, UK
Qingdao Institute of Bioenergy & Bioprocess Technology (QIBEBT), China
Curtin University, Malaysia
The Gandhigram Rural Institute (Deemed to be University)
All accepted papers will be published in AIP Conference Proceedings (Scopus indexed).
Selected papers will be invited to publish in the Journal of Engineering & Technological Advances.
Our Sponsors
Platinum / Gold / Silver / Bronze
Thanks for your visit!